
Jan 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year 2011 today is 01.01.2011..nice date! cpt2 pi kawen.. hahahaha...giloss..ermm..suke?happy?huhu..tak langsung la kan..maklum la..bila masuk thn baru ni..tringt plak umo yg makin meningkat..aduhh..dok terkontang kanting lg life x de arah je..ttba da 2++ lg bape thn je lg nk masuk 30an...huaaaa...tidakkk...ermm..camni la..for those who think like what i'm thinking of....just put in our just a long as we are happy..we will still look young! mioww!!haha..
So bila masuk thn baru ni..masing2 mula la pakat tnya..azam..azam korg apa?for me..huhu..carry fwd azam thn lepas je la..yg x kesampaian lg tu..tungggu ja la..slagi xde rezeki..stay where you are..insyaallah...Allah tu maha adil dan mengetahui..teruskan berdoa...amin..
Aktiviti ari ni?? ermm..kemas umah..masak kat adik..cian die..sok da nk blk Klang..kasi Tom Yam kt die..terbaekk dari ladang..biar panas perut cheq mlm ni nai..sok sure tringat penangan Tom Yam tu..hehe..mlm..aku kuar mkn ngn K.Husna n Fila..smbil layan org dok karok kt Tasik Idaman tu..ok gak tmpt bingit skit la ngn DJ yg asyik prasan baguss n asyik nk la ko tu HOTT sgt..asyik puji diri ensem jer..1 je aku nk bgtau ko DJ..sesungguhnyer..ko x ensem lgsg..huhu..
Guys..Happy New Year..lets start our New year with a New spirit..New mood..New target n New environment (inly for those yg masuk kerja di tmpt baru..) and the most important thing..take care of ur health..coz..that is the only one yg we cannot find..cannot buy..cannot request and cannot borrow..think urself..;)

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