
Dec 20, 2010

My Bos Wedding Day...

Setelah berhempas pulas..akhirnya.....Alhamdulillah..semuanya yang dirancang berjalan lancar...Syukur sangat-sangat...
To Puan Raz & En. Megat..Congratulations!!!

Meja santapan

Pelamin yang indah...

Dec 11, 2010


Yahooo...akhirnya cuti-cuti aku yg selambak tu approved.Alhamdulillah...selambak ke? xde la selambak mana burn begitu sahaja..baik aku pulun abiskan..w/pun da carry fwd 5 hari..ada 8 hari yg harusku 19hb..ehem..ehem..don't look for me..bcause i'll be not around the conner..hehe
cuti nk bt apa? ermm..24& 25 da ada 1 program..25 - 28 will be another programme..the rest tu..ermm..i'm still thinking..where to go n what to must be something interesting to end the year with a unforgetable memory...

Dec 5, 2010

I was thinking...

wanna be an honest?
wanna be a liar?
wanna keep as confidential?
which is better?
the choice is yours..

i was think about it..
forgive & forget..
that is better for me..
rather than i keep on thingking for
something there is no end...