
Oct 31, 2009


Minggu yang sgt membosankan...keje melambak giler..dah la monday kena gi makcik Anna Kournikova plak dtg..huhuhu....dtg brapa minit je..yg kitorg ni..melangut dari pg smpi ke ptg..adehhh....minggu ni..hari2 aku blk kul 8 mlm...penatnyerrr...sabtu keje plak tu..bosan tahap karma....bila la aku nk dpt keje gov ni...ble releks sabtu..huhuhu..

Oct 21, 2009

PCS Series 2 - 2009

It coming kali ni x la semeriah our 1st PCS..almaklum la 12 - 15 sibuk nak beraya...kite sibuk nk bt PCS..sape nak dtg..huhu...sian gak kt ktorg staff2 yg x dpt beraya ni...4 open hs member2 aku terlepas..klu 1st PCS terlepas wedding my dah tanggungjawab..apa nk buat..redha je la..buat je yg aku ske gak..sbb ble jmpa idola aku in person..hehe..sape lg klu bukan Tun Mahathir..Nasib gak la aku kena jaga VVIP so..dapat la aku peluang yg org lain x dpt... So ni antara pic2 PCS yg ada terselit muke aku ngn senyum kambingnyer..hehe..

Oct 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya...

Erm...let me be the last person wishing all of u Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir has been long time i am not posting anything on my day is full with workload that sometime make me don't have time for myself and my family...

A bit story I want to share with all my friend...on last Ramadhan i was selected by my company to be one of the committee for handled an orphans while break fasting in the first make me feel not confortable coz i am so pity of my mom. She have to cook alone without me..and break fast with abah only..but after i am joining gave me new experience and really make me feel very sad and thank God..I'm still having a parents..they got nobody except friends and teachers... What make me shed my tears is one kid in the age of 3 years old.. at that time..everybody are concerntrating on our solat terawikh..but he is suddently running here and of the teacher came out and scold him why he is react like that..apperently he wants to go to the toilet..but don't know to whome should he refer to coz everybody is pity of him..