
Feb 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Abah :* February 2011 is Abah's Birthday...Happy Birthday abah..disebabkan adik x we went to Klang and meet adik there..we ate at Black Canyon Coffee (a drink from Paradise..available on Earth)..mmg x sia2 la..sebab..all of us mmg Coffee lover...yum..yum..mmg best coffee should try beb! so..this is some of the pic that i had took just now..
The food..
Coffee Lover..;)
(p/s : b..this is all for u..hehe)

1 Malaysia..

Hahaha...sure korg kata tajuk ni skema kan? ermm..mmg agak skema gak there is something that i want to the way..i was pending this posting for 2 months..hehe..this is happened while waiting for my mom at UMMC..

Can u see guys? there is 3 person there..Melayu, Cina & India..from what i lelaki Cina tu..injured / lumpuh I'm not India tu bwk kete..tunggu Si lelaki Melayu ngn Cina tu..then..lelaki Melayu tu angkat lelaki cina tu dgn sepenuh tenaganya to get him into the car..then..the Indian guys tu..cepat2 lipat wheel chair tu masuk dlm kete..n lelaki Melayu tu betul2kan kedudukan guy Cina tu...

Bangga betul aku time tu..tgk org2 muda ada semangat tolong menolong..tanpa mengira bangsa / kalau la PM tgk ni..mmg dia pun bangga..moga..lebih ramai masyarakat kita yang ada semangat mcm ni..I'm sure..Malaysia will be in PEACE foreverrr...

(p/s : skema x posting aku kali ni..hehehehe..sajer nak share ngn kawan2...)