Erm..some of my friend are waiting for this posting..i guest so..hehe..he pic below is "natijah" for my madness yg tak terhingga...the pics took by practical student @ my office..thanks to Raje Khairool n Ucop..haha..
The story behind...
Adik ask me to fetch her at Putrajaya Central @ 3.00 pm..which is my office hour..but i'm too afraid to ask permission from my GM. Suddently, she (my GM) ask me to send an urgent doc to Alamanda..bagai mengantuk disorongkan bantal..sambil menyelam minum air..straight away i went to Putrajaya Central and fetch adik after 1 hour waiting for me..i ask adik to send me to the office since my GM was called me on the way back..(looks like i had took a long time to come back from Alamanda) and fetch me back around 6.30pm. But adik refuse..and force me to send her back home then come back to office..i'm sooooo angry for her selfishness. I am secrifice for her and why don't she help me once..
To fast too furious 140km per hour i drive back to send her in anger. As to cut the time and road back to office, i made a decision to cross the divider...GOSHH!!! my tyre was stuck in the mud!! OMG!!!! my heart bit was tooo fast..too fast too furious inside.. i just press the padle n my all the mud splash on my car..Ya Allah...what happend to my car...and my car successfully removed from the mud..Alhamdulillah....

So, after office hour i went to find car wash...before i go back home and heard mom and dad mumbling at me..because i cross the devider..huhu...7.45 i reach home in satisfaction..because my car is clean....hehehe...
Ermm..moral of the story??? hehehe...think urself...
Gile r...dasat gle keta kgh...hahaha...moral of the story:jgn amik Kck lg..suh dia bli keta baru...wakakakaka
hahahha...sudah bce..hahaha
B..i like ur suggestion!!!!
Nyamuk tak terbakar orang yang terbakar...hahaha
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