
Jul 21, 2009

The Climb.. ( this song is for me and Lyia )

I can almost see it
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
The struggles I’m facing,
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
The pain I’m knowing
But these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb...

Jul 18, 2009


Aduhh..semakin hari aku rasa mcm nak gilerrr..da bukan berjalan dlm office tu...berlari kesana sini..ishh...x cukup dlm office ke club house lg..sumer urgent.. maklum la..sejak k.Ipah xde ni...sumer aku kena buat.. sib baik la.. k.lisa ada peri kemusiaan..baik gak dia.. tlg aku pe yg ptt..clip2kan payment dia smpt la lg nk men games..ermm..mmg letih hari2..aku cuma berdoa agar Allah bagi aku kesihatan yang baik..agar aku dapat bekerja dgn penuh eficient.. tp bila la nk dpt staff baru..aku harap staff baru tu nnti ble get long ngn aku..klu x..ssh la nk bekerja hari2..n aku harap moga staff tu nnti da ready dari segi mental n fizikal b4 joint admin..bukan senang nk jadi org admin..aku ni pun penuh kesabaran da ni...xtau la smpi bila..Wallahualam...